Shaky Ground - Tactics for Solid Strategy in 2022

Welcome to our December 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter, Shaky Ground in 2022, Tactics for Solid Strategy. In this issue we encourage organizations to reevaluate current strategic plans to adjust for the bumpy year ahead. We offer an inflation/supply chain reality check and tactics for leaders to plan solid strategy on shaky economic ground.

Inflation Update

The United States is experiencing the highest inflation surge in over 30 years at 6.8 cpi for the month of November 2021, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending November 1990. This startling data confirms that inflation is not transitory and will go even higher.

Supply chain disruptions are exacerbated by shipping delays due to raw material and labor shortages, trade issues, Covid19 and failed leadership. It is unfortunate that the backup of cargo ships has been happening for more than 7 months with no realistic remedy in sight. Every minute of delay costs money which will be added to the cost of goods and contribute to even higher prices.

"When you don't understand, you depend on reality. When you do understand, reality depends on you.” Bodhidharma

Fact Check

It is imperative that leaders fact check and monitor information presented in the media. Businesses should consider supply chain issues and inflation which are likely to impact strategic plans. There is a plethora of misinformation circulating. President Biden claims that all goods will be off loaded by end of the year per his conversations with retail and shipping companies. It would be nothing short of a miracle for his statement to actually happen.

Reality Check

Conflicting and unrealistic reports regarding the end of shortages and the future economy challenge us to plan for uncertainty. Americans are losing confidence even with a record-breaking stock market, low unemployment and pandemic stimulus money circulating. There is an abundance of conflicting data and sentiment leaving leaders challenged with the task of separating fact from fiction. The Wall Street Journal states that "Economist are now advising businesses to plan for continued uncertainty well into 2022." This guidance contradicts the economic advice from the Biden administration which appears veiled in a fog of unrealistic optimism.

Finding the actual data is difficult. We offer the following timeline of the cargo backlog to describe how long this issue has been building:

May 2021 - WSJ reports "An average of 30 container ships a day have been stuck outside the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach just waiting to deliver their goods. The backlog is part of a global supply-chain mess spurred by the pandemic that means consumers could see delivery delays for weeks."

Mid-October 2021 - LA Times reports "the White House announced it was wading into the logistics logjam at the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles in a bid to unclog the supply chain before Christmas, 58 container ships were waiting offshore."

Oct 29, 2021 USA Today reports "Fact check: Around 170 ships waiting to dock in Long Beach, Los Angeles ports."

November 10, 2021 - Biden stated in Baltimore that he spoke with the top retailers which he identified as Walmart and Target. He said that the executives "assured me that the shelves will be stocked in stores this holiday." Let's hope he is correct.

November 11, 2021 - LA times reports "Nearly a month later, San Pedro Bay’s unwilling flotilla has grown to 78 vessels, and more are on the way to meet holiday shopping demand.

December 14, 2021 - reports that “101 ships spread across 1,000 miles waiting for berth space at LA and Long Beach.

Tactics for a Solid 2022

Strategic Plan

#1 Update your Strategic Plan and SWOT analysis. Internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats.

#2 Consider inflation and anticipate increased inflation.

#3 Evaluate supply chain of all products and services.

#4 Track key metrics relevant to your business.

#5 Review supplier contracts.

#6 Retreat to evaluate best and worst case scenarios.

At Hagedorn & Associates we work with you to design and facilitate a robust result-driven strategic plan that addresses the threat of an inflation surge, supply shortages and the post pandemic economy. It is time to read more

Please share this newsletter with people in your organization, community and everyday life as it is intended for anyone interested in creating positive change. Thank you for being a part of our PowerStone Leadership movement! Tina

Please click here to gain access to our full free newsletter and to join our PowerStone Leadership Movement.

The High Cost of Conflict - How to Resolve 6 Types of Workplace Conflict

August 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter,

Vol. 1 Issue 7, by Tina Hagedorn,

President Hagedorn & Associates, LLC.

Welcome to our August 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter, The High Cost of Conflict. In this issue we share the 6 most common types of workplace conflict and offer techniques for identifying and resolving each type of conflict to inspire those around you, build trust and a stronger more unified team.

Gallup reports that currently only "36% of U.S. employees are engaged in their work and workplace."

Leaders need to improve employee engagement. Gallup states, "Actively disengaged employees report miserable work experiences and are generally poorly managed... and that in short, engaged employees are involved in and enthusiastic about their work and workplace." Leaders spend much of their time communicating to execute strategy and address conflicts. To resolve these roadblocks to success, leaders need skills to quickly and fairly resolve workplace conflict to create win-win results.

"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi

In a world filled with strife and conflict we suggest that an overarching way to resolve conflict in many scenarios is to ask questions, listen and do your best to understand the position of the other side.

Here is a link to a free assessment so you can learn more about your conflict handling style. This is a fun tool to share with your team and it is easy to use. Click here to get the Free Assessment.

How to Successfully Resolve 6 Types of Workplace Conflict

Leadership Conflict – Arises with new leadership or a change in leadership.

Resolve by identifying communication leadership goals and sharing how you as a leader will be doing things differently. It is helpful to be aware of your own style and how you interact with others.

Task-based Conflict – Arises from concrete issues related to work assignments and includes disputes about how to complete tasks.

Resolve by managers/leaders listening, asking questions, confirming issues, digging deeper and inviting parties to help solve the problem.

Work Style Conflict– Arises when different work styles exist i.e., time it takes to complete tasks, team player or working in a silo.

Resolve by respecting individual style and partner with compatible style. Deal with each other’s differences.

Personality Conflict – Arises from relationship issues, differences in personality, style, matters of taste, etc.

Resolve by finding commonality, listen to others’ point of view, have interest and empathy.

Culturally-based Conflict– Arises from workplace diversity, culture/age beliefs, etc.

Resolve by finding similarities. Involve Human Resources.

Responsibility Conflict– Arises from blame-shifting.

Resolve by having clearly stated goals responsibilities/duties and monitor progress.

At Hagedorn & Associates we work with you to design and facilitate a robust result-driven strategic plan that addresses the threat of an inflation surge, supply shortages and the post pandemic economy.

Please share this newsletter with people in your organization, community and everyday life as it is intended for anyone interested in creating positive change and obtaining superior results. Thank you for being a part of our PowerStone Leadership movement!

Thank you for your continued support.

We are grateful! Tina

May 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter - Inflation Shock


Jaw-Dropping Data!

Is Your Organization Ready for Inflation Shock?

Welcome to our May 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter, Inflation - Is Your Organization Ready! In this issue we raise the topic of inflation from decades of dormancy and share concerning data to encourage you to take time to plan and prepare for potential surges in price for goods and services.

CPI - Consumer Price Index shot up to 4.2% in April 2021 the fastest since 2008.

The CPI - Consumer Price Index noted above may reflect short-lived price spikes as indicated by the Federal Reserve or may be a signal that long term price adjustments are on the way. As is often the case in forecasting, there are plenty of scenarios to consider when attempting to predict inflation. At Hagedorn & Associates, LLC., we work with you to evaluate the root causes of inflation specific to your business to preempt negative impacts to your bottom line.

PPI - Producer Price Index rose at a 6.2% annual pace for the 12 months ending in April 2021 which is the biggest annual jump since recordkeeping began.

“The Producer Price Index (PPI) program measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The prices included in the PPI are from the first commercial transaction for many products and some services.” US Bureau of Labor Statistic.

GDP (Deflator) up 4.2%

Another measure of inflation to note is the Gross Domestic Product Deflator which increased 4.2% in Q1 2021 from proceeding quarter Q42020 which was 1.9%.

What is Inflation? "An increase in the supply of money is the root of inflation, though this can play out through different mechanisms in the economy. Money supply can be increased by the monetary authorities either by printing and giving away more money to the individuals..." Investopedia.

Below is an alarming chart of US Monetary M1 Money Supply.

US Monetary Supply 1959 - March 2021

The U.S. money supply is all the physical cash and funds in checking and savings accounts in the nation. It often reflects the economy and inflation. The vertical spike at the far right on the chart below is due in part to printing money for pandemic emergency measures and stimulus.


"We are seeing substantial inflation; we are raising prices. people are raising prices to us, and it's being accepted." Warren Buffett, May 2021.

The Associated Press is reporting that "gas prices are rising and auto and lumber prices are soaring. Consumer goods companies are charging more for household basics like toilet paper, peanut butter and soft drinks. Price increase is resurrecting fears of an economic threat that has all but disappeared over the past generation. Runaway inflation occurs when prices for most goods and services not only rise but accelerate, making the cost of living steadily more expensive and shrinking the purchasing power of Americans’ earnings and savings."

“Plan for what it is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small." Sun Tzu, The Art of War

At Hagedorn & Associates we work with you to design and facilitate a robust result-driven strategic plan that addresses the threat of an inflation surge. It is time to consider the reasons for price increases to determine if your business will be impacted. Inflation is hard to predict however evaluating potential impacts to your organization AHEAD of inflation is recommended.

inflation pic.jpg

Hagedorn & Associates will help guide you through the change process and provide creative business solutions that are focused on results. Many of us are working alone and over zoom. We feel isolated. Hagedorn & Associates invites you to reach out for one-on-one consulting to have a real conversation, to talk about the hard stuff and strategically plan for the best results in 2021.

Please share this newsletter with people in your organization, community and everyday life as it is intended for anyone interested in creating positive change and obtaining superior results. Thank you! Tina

Tina Hagedorn, President

8805 Harborview Drive, Suite 201

Gig Harbor, Washington 98332

Phone: (253) 820-4581

April 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter - The Time Is NOW for a Retreat!

Welcome to our April 2021 PowerStone Leadership Newsletter, The Time is NOW, 5 Steps to Planning a Retreat! In this issue we offer 5 steps to planning a retreat and share details of our recent, inspiring, and chilly journey into the Arctic region of Alaska. At Hagedorn & Associates we work with you to design and facilitate robust results-driven strategic planning retreat.

Please enjoy our full free newsletter and thank you for joining our PowerStone Leadership Movement.

Arctic Region Retreat

The opportunity to travel to new and often far-reaching destinations is one of the fun and interesting aspects of management consulting. As a consultant, I have traveled on various assignments throughout the US and Canada to energizing big cities as well as beautiful remote places. Retreats can be on-site, near your business or include travel abroad. Below we share highlights of the Alaska retreat and pictures of a teambuilding adventure in an ice cave known to be over 10,000 years old. Enjoy!

"We retreat from the world and more importantly from the mind, the mental noise." Eckhardt Tolle.

In March we traveled to Fairbanks and then deep into the Eastern Alaskan mountain range in the Arctic region to the Lodge at Black Rapids where I met with CEO Annie Hopper and her team to facilitate a strategic planning meeting.

The Lodge at Black Rapids is a beautiful place for a retreat. The outdoor adventures and lodge hospitality are excellent. The setting was an amazing and extraordinary experience. We hoped to view the Northern Lights however there was too much snow. Included in the full newsletter is a picture of the Northern Lights taken from the lodge the week before we arrived. I look forward to returning to the lodge soon to meet with Annie and the team again and celebrate our success.

The trip was an action-packed strategic planning retreat with expert meetings and fun team building outdoor adventures. Our retreat focus was rebuilding revenue after the pandemic and a SWOT analysis of internal Strengths, Weaknesses, and external Opportunities and Threats. To tackle our busy agenda our team tucked into the lodge out of the snow and subzero temperatures free from external distractions.

We enjoyed a great view of the mountains, plenty of delicious food and warm hospitality. It was exhilarating and humbling to experience the ancient ice caves and enchanting Black Rapids Glacier.

"No one is as smart as all of us." Kenneth Blanchard, Leadership Expert.

Visiting the ice cave was a rare experience and as I stood in the cave, I reflected on our brand pillar that Nothing is Impossible. Sometimes we need to change our surroundings to gain a broader perspective to make wiser decisions. I thought of the people that stood in the cave over time and how those who could not adapt likely perished. We use these retreat examples to emphasize the need to adapt to the changes and challenges that inevitably occur.

Tina in ice cave looking out to the sunlight and blue sky. I refer to this pic as Ice Cave Woman.

Tina in ice cave looking out to the sunlight and blue sky. I refer to this pic as Ice Cave Woman.

The picture above is me standing inside of an ice cave in a very remote area of Alaska several hours drive from Fairbanks. This is an ice cave inside of a glacier which is known to be over 10,000 years old.

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
― Joseph Campbell

Need an Advisor?

What does Hagedorn & Associates do differently?

We are noted for creative problem solving to generate superior results. We listen and focus on your challenges to come up with solutions. We develop winning strategy and we honestly believe nothing is impossible. We understand that leaders have stress like no other and we are always close at hand during crises. Leaders often sacrifice their own health and happiness to accommodate stakeholder and organizational demands, so we help shoulder the stress.

This could be you on retreat!

Contact us NOW to make it happen!

exec on beach.jpg

5 Steps to Planning a Retreat

#1 - Who on your team should be invited to attend the retreat?

#2 - Which is the best retreat format to meet your goals and budget?

#3 - Where should the retreat be held, on-site or off-site?

#4 - When do you want to have the retreat?

#5 - Why have a retreat and what is the goal of the retreat?

Let us help you plan a retreat soon. Your team is worth it!

To see more amazing pics of the Lodge at Black Rapids visit and visit their facebook page and instagram account.

Annie, Tina and K9 Guide Dog Steve.  The cutest dog guide ever!

Annie, Tina and K9 Guide Dog Steve. The cutest dog guide ever!

Grant was our adventure guide.  We enjoyed snow machining, snow shoeing and an ice cave tour.  Grant is knowledgeable about the area, has a great personality and enjoys extreme sports.

Grant was our adventure guide. We enjoyed snow machining, snow shoeing and an ice cave tour. Grant is knowledgeable about the area, has a great personality and enjoys extreme sports.

Tina deep inside the ice cave giving a peace sign!  Sacred space!

Tina deep inside the ice cave giving a peace sign! Sacred space!

Northern Lights from the Lodge at Black Rapids.  Next time.

Northern Lights from the Lodge at Black Rapids. Next time.

PowerStone Leadership Newsletter, February 2021

The Power of Vulnerability

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Welcome to our February 2021 PowerStone Newsletter, The Power of Vulnerability. In this issue we offer tips and wisdom to help you embrace vulnerability as a powerful tool for success.

In 2021 new opportunities exist. There is an Internet Renaissance due to an EXPLOSION of online business and interaction providing a perfect opportunity to offer products or services in a new way to expanded markets. The Internet Renaissance is demanding a Vulnerability Revolution to deepen virtual connection. Willingness to transcend and go beyond your "normal" or modus operandi is key and can result in tremendous success. At Hagedorn & Associates we understand that it is not always easy to step out of your comfort zone and we are here to help.

Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.Brene Brown

Embracing vulnerability requires us to take off our mask, to risk being told no and possibly even falling flat on our face. For now, we are not referring to big financial risks or maneuvers, instead we are talking about the enormous fear around the risk of failure. Risk brings reward is an absolute truth and that is how we hope to empower you in this newsletter.

People from all walks of life stay in their comfort zone rather than risk being vulnerable to failure and disappointment. Embracing vulnerability is accepting the fear that surrounds the risk of failure. VULNERABILITY is choosing NOT TO HIDE your emotions or desires from others in order to ask for what you want and to open the door to a better life.

Internet Renaissance

The pandemic has created an Internet Renaissance and it is time to position your brand. We are experiencing an unprecedented amount of online business and interaction. We believe this trend will continue to increase exponentially.

There are almost 8 billion people in the world and approximately 4.66 billion people were online in 2020. Someone somewhere is looking for the services or products that you offer.

PowerStone Leadership

Leaders make bold moves. Bold moves require courage. Vulnerability is inescapable in leadership circles. The well-built organization provides a setting for open dialogue where vulnerability in encouraged. A retreat is an ideal setting to open up conversation and establish a clear path forward. A SWOT analysis of internal weaknesses and external threats can help you avoid pitfalls. Hagedorn & Associates is hired when it is time to implement change to solve fiscal and organizational issues or seize new economic opportunities.

We also like to have fun at our retreats and enjoy good music. Below is a favorite!

“It Don’t Come Easy” Ringo Starr

It don't come easy

You know it don't come easy

It don't come easy

You know it don't come easy

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues

And you know it don't come easy

You don't have to shout or leap about

You can even play them easy

Open up your heart, let's come together

Use a little love

And we will make it work out better

I don't ask for much, I only want your trust

And you know it don't come easy

And this love of mine keeps growing all the time

And you know it don't come easy

Peace, remember peace is how we make it

Here within your reach

If you're big enough to take it

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues

And you know it don't come easy

You don't have to shout or leap about

You can even play them easy

Peace, remember peace is how we make it

Here within your reach

If you're big enough to take it

I don't ask for much, I only want your trust

And you know it don't come easy

And this love of mine keeps growing all the time

And you know it don't come easy

"It Don't Come Easy Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Web. 3 Feb. 2021. <>.


My Personal Journey - Being Vulnerable

Success is commonly blocked by the fear of more to read my personal journey through this process. Using Hagedorn & Associates as an example, I relied on word-of-mouth referrals. When the Covid pandemic struck, everything changed. Zoom and phone calls allow us to connect but not the same way that we did during live meetings and retreats.

Hagedorn & Associates specialty is in-person Strategic Planning, Leadership and Reveune Development Retreats. Due to Covid shutdowns, our retreat work was put on hold. As the months of lockdown dragged on in 2020 it felt inevitable that we would likely never be back to business as usual. As I write this Newsletter we are still shut down and it appears that there is no end in sight. Covid disrupted "life and business as usual" and as a result businesses around the world are pivoting to a new way of doing business. We decided to ride the wave and go virtual. While writing the first newsletter which addresses Crisis and Why it Makes us Focus (link) I struggled with being vulnerable due to the enhanced visibility of the virtual marketplace. I also knew from working in business for over three decades that there is no real success without vulnerability and risk taking. I knew Hagedorn Associates had to pivot to thrive.

“The Resilient will Pivot and Unearth New Opportunity in 2021”. Tina Hagedorn

Ready to Benefit from the Internet Renaissance?

Clients that respond to our Newsletter are scheduling a time to update their Strategic Plans to include new opportunities due to the Internet Renaissance. CLICK HERE to learn more about our services.

The PowerStone newsletter was created to deepen my connection to current and future clients. I sincerely hope this newsletter resonates with current and future leaders. Please share this newsletter! Thank you! Tina

Meet Tina

Give Us A Call (253) 820-4581

3 Tips to Embrace Vulnerability

Tip #1 - Show Up and Be Seen

Open up and ask for what you want. Share your vision. Practice with someone you trust or a perfect stranger. Learning to harness fear is a powerful conduit to change. If you do not get to know fear you will never know fearlessness.

Perfectionism is trying to earn approval and perfection does not really exist. Perfectionism is a fear of failing. Leading is becoming less perfect”. Pema Chodron

Tip #2 - You're NOT Alone

You are not alone, almost everyone experiences some level of fear when they step out of their comfort zone. Resilience is a gift. There is a vulnerability revolution. Be clear and honest.

Tip #3 - Let Go

Vulnerability is the act of letting go. There is nothing wrong with falling on your face. Be resilient. The need for safety is gone with the Internet Renaissance. Adapt. Pivot. Thrive. YOU ARE WORTH IT!

“You can not selectively hide emotion. If you hide fear, you hide joy”. Brene Brown

Define your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

PowerStone™ strategic management starts with a review of your mission, vision and values as well your company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We work with you on strategic planning and implementation to improve organizational performance and revenue. Strategic Management advances vision from potential to implementation to expansion. Our PowerStone™ Action Plan ensures results.

Set up a time to talk via phone or zoom!

Email Us Today


8805 Harborview Drive, Suite 201

Gig Harbor, Washington 98332

Phone: (253) 820-4581

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