January 2021 - Crisis - Why is Makes Us Focus - PowerStone Leadership Newsletter

January 2021 PowerStone Newsletter. Crisis Management - Crisis Makes Us Focus by Tina Hagedorn, President, Hagedorn & Associates, LLC.

Crisis - Why it Makes Us Focus

Welcome to our PowerStone Leadership Newsletter. We extend our gratitude for your interest in leadership and we sincerely thank our past and current clients for their business. This newsletter is for anyone inspired by leadership at work, in community or at home. The unforeseen challenges of 2020 provide a powerful opportunity for positive change in 2021. In this newsletter we discuss crisis management and offer tips to help you endure and prepare for future challenging times.

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoy our newsletter!

The lightning image on our website was chosen because it is a powerful reminder of the inevitability of change and also reflects the fear and vulnerability felt across the globe in 2020. Covid came quickly and unexpectedly and has forever changed how we operate. Change can be difficult and as a result many organizations choose a slow death over change. Hagedorn & Associates assists your company’s growth by working with you through difficult decisions as well as helping you prepare for the future using our propriety PowerStone™ management consulting tools. We LISTEN and work with you to allow solutions to come into play.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Winston Churchill

Crisis requires us to focus because it is a time of difficulty or danger that demands change. Crisis, at its core, drives our "live or die" survival instinct. Crisis pushes us to a turning point where we must adapt or change to thrive. Change can be hard, and we understand how much courage and determination it takes to implement change. Resilience and the ability to pivot during crisis are gifts and often provide opportunity to advance into a new era. Redesigning how we work and how we live necessitates time for reflection. “Getting off the dance floor and onto the balcony” is a term used in leadership which instructs us to step back from our normal daily activities to get a clearer vision of what is happening in our business and in our lives. Getting off the dance floor for a few days to reflect and plan for opportunities and threats in the coming year is a great way to prepare for 2021.

Tip #1 Reflection - Daily Practice.

Set aside at least 10 minutes per day to sit quietly. We suggest that you put away your devices, turn down the lights and focus on your breath. If you find this practice difficult or if meditation is new to you, Hagedorn & Associates provides mindful meditation sessions for executives, teams and individuals. Relax and remember it is difficult for just about everyone to stop the racing monkey mind. Don’t get discouraged, be patient and remember to keep focusing on your breath.

Tip #2 Strategic Plan for 2021. Get off the Dance Floor.

2021 is an excellent time to perform a SWOT analysis of your business or future endeavor. A SWOT analysis includes evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats both internally and externally. Hagedorn & Associates has adapted our Strategy, Leadership and Revenue Development retreat to an online format. SWOT is an excellent tool when considering the changes coming in 2021 and beyond.

Tip #3 Ring a bell.

Ringing a bell focuses our attention which helps us to become better listeners. Leaders spend over 80% of their day communicating. Taking time to listen to others as well as our gut instincts is key to avoiding crisis. Ring a bell when you start your quiet time as it will likely help settle your mind.

Below I share a poem by David Whyte who is a world renowned conversational leadership expert and poet.

Title poem from book


The Bell and the Blackbird by David Whyte

The sound of a bell
Still reverberating,
or a blackbird calling
from a corner of the field,
asking you to wake
into this life,
or inviting you deeper
into the one that waits.

Either way
takes courage,
either way wants you
to be nothing
but that self that
is no self at all,
wants you to walk
to the place
where you find
you already know
how to give
every last thing

The approach
that is also
the meeting
without any
at all.

That radiance
you have always
carried with you
as you walk
both alone
and completely
in friendship
by every corner
of the world

David Whyte
From: The Bell and the Blackbird


How We Can Help You Thrive.

Hagedorn & Associates will help guide you through the change process and provide creative business solutions that are focused on results. Many of us are working alone and over zoom. We feel isolated. Hagedorn & Associates invites you to reach out for one-on-one consulting to have a real conversation, to talk about the hard stuff and strategically plan for the best results in 2021.

Please share this newsletter with people in your organization, community and everyday life as it is intended for anyone interested in creating positive change and obtaining superior results. In 2021 Hagedorn & Associates will be offering our game changing PowerStone Leadership training online. Thank you! Tina

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